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God Will Work Out Your Situation

Pastor Tina Pitamber

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭28‬ NIV)

In life we will experience both good and bad things. Many people ask the question why do bad things happen to good people? Nobody is exempted from experiencing blessings and painful situations. However this verse gives us the promise that God will work out situations for our good, for people who are faithful and believe in the LORD.

Are you currently going through something that doesn't make sense and you don't understand? Did someone betray you? Has somebody accused you of something that's not true? Has someone walked out of your life? Is your child going on the wrong path? Be encouraged because even though the situation is hard something God can be accomplished through it.

I remember a time when I was making less money. My hours were cut and at first I didn't like the fact that my income was changed. I said to God, "why is this happening?" But through time, God began to show me that He truly is my provider. During my reduced income, God began to bless me with other income through different ways. One day I was went to the mall and I found sixty dollars! Another time, someone sent me a card in the mail with 100 US dollars. In the same season I began to help my sister who operates a business and she paid me for my time. Slowly but surely I began to see that even though I did not like my situation, God used it to produce something good.

Whatever good or bad situation you are going through - remember that God will work it out for your good!

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